By using you will Save Time, Save Hassle, Save Money and ultimately find the very best boat finance deal for you. No more roaming from website to website trying to pick up bits of information, and to find the best deals. To make things fast and easy for you we’ve put everything in 1 place –
Whether you’re full time employed, part-time, casual, self-employed, retired or operating a small business, experienced professionals will help you find the right solution. Even If you’re on a working visa, a recent migrant or had credit problems in the past you will be matched with a specialist loan expert who can assist you. is a free, independent service. We don’t arrange finance and aren’t tied to any particular lender or broker. To learn more about who we are and what we do click here.
Boat Loans
How they are regarded by Lenders – Boats are regarded as a relatively specialist asset by most lenders. They’re generally classed as a good risk as they are relatively easy to value and there is a large re-sale market for them. However, some lenders regard boats as more of a hobby or leisure product so don’t consider borrowers as being quite as committed to making their repayments on a boat loan as someone taking out a loan for a car for example. There are a number of lenders participating in this sector and competition is quite high and changing regularly.
Available Options – There are various options available on both new and used boats but there tends to be more choice in terms of financing options and more competitive interest rates available on new and nearly new boats. This is because many lenders view newer boats as being lower risk.
Options are available no matter if you’re buying from a dealership, auction or a private sale. is here to help you make sense of it all by providing you with information resources and connecting you with experienced professionals who specialise in boat finance and will search their lenders to find the latest deals so you get 3 Free Quotes to evaluate and compare.
Check out our Other Great Learning Resources:
- How It Works
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- Loan Options Explained
You have a wide range of boat financing methods to choose from and compare, click on the options below to learn more:
- Bank and Finance Company Overviews
To learn more about the main players in the boat finance sector click here.
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